
5 Signs To Recognize Your Mold Infested House

Mold, as a type of fungus, can quickly grow indoors and outdoors, as well as, thrive in areas full of humidity and moisture. Tiny spores circulating in the air settle on wet and porous surfaces, where they multiply to form mold colonies. It is beyond important for homeowners to frequently check if they have a mold infested house by conducting mold tests and inspections. There are a great number of toxic mold types that can cause serious health problems and damage the property’s building code. 

Which are some Common Types of Mold?

Are you curious about the most typical varieties of mold found in homes and which ones may cause you concern? This CPR24 Restoration blog is solely focused on giving you the answers you desire to prevent you from having a mold infested house.  


This is one of the most usual types of mold that can be found in a household. It generally has the tendency to grow and have a greenish or sometimes black color. Compared to other types o mold, Cladosporium is less harmful, however, people who are allergy prone because of mold exposure should be extremely careful. 


It is also known as green mold as it can be seen in dark green color. Penicillin often grows in regular patches over the wall and it is derived from other types of mold. Unfortunately, some kind of this mold may be extremely toxic for both humans and animals.


In contrast to other varieties of mold, this one is typically greenish-white in color and may appear more “raised” and foggy. It is safe unless you have a compromised immune system in which case it may infect the sinuses or lungs.


Occasionally mistaken for “black mold,” Alternaria mold is often a greenish-white color but can also manifest as black areas. For people who could be allergic to mold, Alternaria can contribute to asthma symptoms getting worse.

Stachybotrys Chartarum

The most hazardous kind of mold is black mold. Usually, only this kind of mold should cause you a real concern. Stachybotryotoxicosis, a life-threatening infection brought on by spore inhalation, is one of the dangerous mycotoxins it produces and can affect indoor air quality. It commonly occurs in circular “patches,” which can vary greatly in diameter, and is a deep black color. On gypsum drywall, especially in houses with water damage, it is typical to be found.

Which are the Common Signs that indicate a Mold Infested House?

The best course of action is to treat the issue as quickly and fully as you can if you know or think that mold is present in your living space.

Visible Spores

It is one of the most obvious ways to identify and determine if there is any mold growth around your home areas. In case you see visible and severe mold growth, then this means that you have a really big problem that for sure needs proper handling. If you decide to simply scrub the mold area with a bar of regular soap and sponge then take into consideration that the problem will keep insisting and may become even worse.

The only solution in order to avoid this mold exposure is to refer to mold removal restoration company that offers reliable and premium quality mold removal services. Professionals will apply the required products and use top-notch equipment to eliminate mold and mildew growth. CPR24 Restoration team can by far support you and handle the whole mold growth emergency situation. 

Feeling like you have the Flu or the Common Cold

It is quite difficult to detect and understand if mold came because of the walls or because of a possible leak. If you are dealing with symptoms that you cannot easily understand where they are coming form such as dealing with stress, not taking care of yourself, dealing with a virus or potentially dealing with mold growth. 

Musty or Damp Smell

It may also be a sign that you have a mold problem if you discover that your mold infested house has a mildew or musty odor. The problem with mold is that because of its type can have plenty of odors. That’s why it is pretty difficult to pinpoint the exact smell and understand what type of mold is growing at home. 

Frequent Headaches

Unfortunately, mold exposure can cause both short and long-term health effects. Short-term effects indicate headaches, runny nose, flu symptoms, allergic reactions and other related concerns. Keep in mind that mold infestation can be responsible for struggling headaches and that is a prior reason to seek professional help.

Respiratory or Breathing Issues 

Many researchers have proven that mold growth can cause breathing and many sorts of respiratory problems. People that are struggling with such issues face difficulty in breathing and people with asthma are struggling even more. Even though you might not think about mold, being aware that it can have these kinds of negative impacts on your health may help you find the source of your mold infested house and health problems more quickly.

How to protect your house from becoming a Mold Infested House?

Mold is as serious as rot or insect infestation and requires constant maintenance and inspection. Mold can appear in the form of spots with different colors around your home. They can be as well associated with a musty and uncomfortable smell. 

To prevent awful mold growth then consider doing the following: 

  • Keep a low humidity level at your home (not more than 50 percent during the day). Air conditioners and dehumidifiers will help you achieve it. To be more sure, you can also purchase a meter which can help you constantly check the exact humidity that your home has. You should check the moisture levels more than once per day because humidity levels vary throughout the course of the day.
  • Ensure that your home has adequate airflow. In the kitchen and bathroom, make use of exhaust fans that vent outside of your house. Ensure that the vents from your dryer are located outside your house.
  • To stop the growth of mold, get any leaks in your home’s plumbing, roof and walls repaired very promptly.
  • If carpets and upholstery are wet and can’t be dried straight away, remove them or replace them. Consider avoiding using carpet in spaces with potentially high moisture levels, such as bathrooms or basements.
  • Regularly clean bathroom areas with appropriate products.
  • In case you detect serious mold growth around the areas you are frequently using, or you are noticing musty smell then consider conducting a mold inspection. CPR24 Restoration mold removal professionals can make this process less stressful and help you handle the house and save both your health and property! 
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